We Work Together.
More Than 90 Organisations Trust Us.
A Purpose-Driven Company, From Strategy to Operational Rollout
What’s at Stake
Regulation: Subject to the Extra-Financial Performance Declaration, MAIF must identify and analyse its non-financial risks and collect data on a 7000-people group.
Operations & Strategy: In 2019, MAIF integrated its CSR values and objectives into the Company Bylaws. MAIF wanted support to define its mission roadmap, with tangible actions and indicator monitoring, elements that are necessary to coordinate this mission.
Our Services
- Elaboration of the Extra-Financial Performance Declaration: identification and evaluation of non-financial risks, identifying policies and actions implemented to mitigate these risks, accompanying the EFPD’s preparation
- Integrating CSR values and objectives in the Company Bylaws:
- Identifying actions and the associated key performance indicators
- Defining the company’s mission roadmap
- Accompanying the preparation of the first mission report
- Deployment of Reporting 21 across the reporting perimeter: collecting and analysing non-financial data, carbon footprint etc.
- Creating the group’s Mobility plan
The Results
- Deliverables: Mission roadmap, Mission report, Extra-Financial Performance Declaration
- Storing CSR actions: historical actions, new and future actions
- Centralised CSR data for better exploitation by team members, audit procedures, and simplified internal controls
- Improved operational coordination, to ensure the objectives are successfully reached
Une méthodologie DPEF adaptée à différents périmètres de reporting
Les enjeux
Stratégique : L’équipe ESG de Wendel souhaite être accompagnée dans le déploiement opérationnel de sa stratégie et le pilotage de sa performance sur sa feuille de route ESG.
Réglementaire : La société Wendel est soumise à la DPEF. Elle doit donc élaborer une stratégie de reporting applicable à des entreprises très différentes en termes de secteur, taille et pays d’implantation.
Notre accompagnement
- Elaboration d’une méthodologie DPEF pour Wendel et ses sociétés en portefeuille (Stahl, Constantia Flexibles, Cromology, CPI) : évaluation des risques, optimisation des référentiels de reporting et coordination des référentiels spécifiques à chaque société, rédaction du chapitre RSE de l’URD
- Déploiement du logiciel Reporting 21 pour chaque société du périmètre consolidé
- Assistance à l’audit : revue et analyse complète des données, échanges avec les sociétés en portefeuille pour fiabiliser les données, consolidation des données au niveau de Wendel et réponse aux questions de l’OTI
- Bilan carbone de la société d’investissement
- Elaboration d’une stratégie d’achats responsables
- Accompagnement dans le pilotage de la stratégie ESG 2020-2023 de Wendel
Les résultats
- Données collectées au plus proche des sociétés grâce à 75 contributeurs, avec des processus adaptés à chaque société.
- Revue de la conformité par les auditeurs centralisée et simplifiée
- Suivi précis de la performance des sociétés du périmètre consolidé au fil des années (+1000 indicateurs propres à Wendel et ses sociétés stockées)
- Intégration des reportings réglementaires (DPEF) et stratégiques (ESG), simplifiant la saisie pour les sociétés
Data Coordination to Deploy the Sustainability Strategy of a Listed Group
What's at Stake
Strategy & Operations: L’Oréal designed a 10-year sustainability strategy and carries out several projects associated with the Group’s global performance.
Regulation: the Group has several CSR projects that contribute to the global CSR performance. Coordinating their data is essential to the renewal of their funding.
Our Services
- Structuring and monitoring the deployment of “Sharing Beauty With All” program, across all of the Group’s countries and zones of implementation in Reporting 21
- Coordinating non-financial performance and impact of Solidarity Sourcing, Carbon Balanced and Fondation L’Oréal projects in Reporting 21
- Support for the re-engineering of the Extra-Financial Performance Declaration and its integration into the Universal Registration Document
The Results
- The Extra-Financial Performance Declaration was reviewed and optimized
- The data from different sustainability programs is centralised on a unique platform
- Coordination to reach the long-term goals of the Sustainability program after improvement
- The monitoring of performance and dialogue with stakeholders for Solidarity Sourcing, Carbon Balanced and L’Oréal foundation projects was reinforced
- Audit and internal control procedures were simplified
A CSR Stategy Based on Branding and Local Needs
What's at Stake
Strategy: Following its IPO, Europcar needed to define the pillars of its CSR strategy and determine which actions to implement.
Guidance & Regulations: Europcar regroups numerous entities and brands across the world; non-financial performance monitoring and data consolidation must therefore be achieved on various levels.
Our Services
- Co-construction of the CSR strategy and CSR performance reporting scope, through the interrogation of stakeholders and the creation of the materiality matrix
- Deployment of Reporting 21 across all group entities: 15 countries, 5 brands and support entities, over 700 indicators
- Carbon budget modelling in Reporting 21
- Our support: yearly update of databases, integration of additional regulations, analysis of audited data
- ... and many other projects
The Results
- Data collected and distributed in keeping with different brands and local needs
- Automated yearly carbon footprint assessments, contribution to the calculation of the group’s 2°C trajectory
- A simplified and centralised compliance review conducted by auditors